Rapid Raid
Suicide Kings functionality
Q. What is Suicide Kings?
A. The short answer is that Suicide Kings is a loot distribution system that uses a "Waterfall" approach to distributing loot. The person at the top of the list takes an item and "Suicides" to the bottom of the current raiders.
The system is greate for casual guilds, but is often used by more hardcore raiding guilds also due to it's straightforward management.
More info can be found here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Suicide_Kings
Q. How do I enabled Suicide Kings?
1. Go to the Admin -> Rapid Raid Tab.
2. Click on the 'Pool Specific Config' tab on the left.
2a. If you have multiple pools then choose the pool to edit.
3. Change the DKP Type for the pool to "Suicide Kings".
You can also create a new pool before doing this if you want the new pool to be the Suicide Kings pool.
Q. What featues of SK does the Guild Launch SK implementation support?
A. Guild Launch supports the core functionality that is common to any SK system. Guild Launch supports multiple roll lists, multiple pools with multiple roll lists in them, moving characters in the list and adding a character to any list.
Q. How do I create a list?
A. Use the 'Add Suicide List' form.
Q. How do I delete a list?
A. Use the 'Delete Suicide List' form.
Q. How do I add characters to a list?
A. Use the 'Add All Raid Eligible Characters to Suicide List' or the 'Add Specific Character to Suicide List' form. The former will add all Raid Eligible characters to the selected list, the latter will add the selected characters only.
If a charater is already on the list, the request to add the character will be ignored.
Q. What are these 'In' and 'Su' columns in the Roll List?
A. The "In" column is used to mark who is in the raid. This selection will be maintained when you enter suicides. The 'Su' column is to select the character who is suiciding. These columns also perform other functions for the Move and Remove functions. Those are listed below.
Q. How do I move a character in the list?
A. Select the character you want to move in the 'Su' column. Then check the box next to the character you want to move the selected character after in the 'In' column. Then click the Move button.
Q. My guild rolled for starting position in our SK list. How do I put people in this order?
A. New characters added to the list go to the bottom. The easiest way to do this is to just add the characters one-by-one in the rolled order from top to bottom. It's a manual step, but there isn't really a way around it.
If you have new characters "roll in" to the list. Just add them, then move them to where they rolled in.
Q. How do I remove a character from a list?
A. Select the character in the 'Su' column. Click the "Remove" button.
Q. How do I perform a suicide for a character?
A. For SK to operate properly the system needs to know who is in the raid. This is because characters not in the current raid do not advance in position. Instead the raiders move around them.
1. In the first step is to select all characters in the current raid using the 'In' column.
2. Then, select the character who is suiciding in the 'Su' column.
3. Then, click the Suicide button.
4. The selected character will move to the position after the current raiders, while the current raiders move up in position while the non-raiders stay where they are.
Q. Why do I have to select the current raiders?
A. The need to select the current raiders may seem unecessary to those of you using the in-game mod since it tracks who is in the current raid using in-game data. Also, if you have ever used an incorrectly implemented web based SK implementation then this step may have been left out. However, this step is necessary to correctly implement SK since the raiders move around the non-raiders.
Q. What about importing our current roll list from in-game from Suicide Kings Geo?
A. At the time we wrote this we didn't have any solid examples of the Suickide Kings Geo file. We want to implement imports, so if you can send us your file at support@guildlaunch.com that would help.
A. The short answer is that Suicide Kings is a loot distribution system that uses a "Waterfall" approach to distributing loot. The person at the top of the list takes an item and "Suicides" to the bottom of the current raiders.
The system is greate for casual guilds, but is often used by more hardcore raiding guilds also due to it's straightforward management.
More info can be found here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Suicide_Kings
Q. How do I enabled Suicide Kings?
1. Go to the Admin -> Rapid Raid Tab.
2. Click on the 'Pool Specific Config' tab on the left.
2a. If you have multiple pools then choose the pool to edit.
3. Change the DKP Type for the pool to "Suicide Kings".
You can also create a new pool before doing this if you want the new pool to be the Suicide Kings pool.
Q. What featues of SK does the Guild Launch SK implementation support?
A. Guild Launch supports the core functionality that is common to any SK system. Guild Launch supports multiple roll lists, multiple pools with multiple roll lists in them, moving characters in the list and adding a character to any list.
Q. How do I create a list?
A. Use the 'Add Suicide List' form.
Q. How do I delete a list?
A. Use the 'Delete Suicide List' form.
Q. How do I add characters to a list?
A. Use the 'Add All Raid Eligible Characters to Suicide List' or the 'Add Specific Character to Suicide List' form. The former will add all Raid Eligible characters to the selected list, the latter will add the selected characters only.
If a charater is already on the list, the request to add the character will be ignored.
Q. What are these 'In' and 'Su' columns in the Roll List?
A. The "In" column is used to mark who is in the raid. This selection will be maintained when you enter suicides. The 'Su' column is to select the character who is suiciding. These columns also perform other functions for the Move and Remove functions. Those are listed below.
Q. How do I move a character in the list?
A. Select the character you want to move in the 'Su' column. Then check the box next to the character you want to move the selected character after in the 'In' column. Then click the Move button.
Q. My guild rolled for starting position in our SK list. How do I put people in this order?
A. New characters added to the list go to the bottom. The easiest way to do this is to just add the characters one-by-one in the rolled order from top to bottom. It's a manual step, but there isn't really a way around it.
If you have new characters "roll in" to the list. Just add them, then move them to where they rolled in.
Q. How do I remove a character from a list?
A. Select the character in the 'Su' column. Click the "Remove" button.
Q. How do I perform a suicide for a character?
A. For SK to operate properly the system needs to know who is in the raid. This is because characters not in the current raid do not advance in position. Instead the raiders move around them.
1. In the first step is to select all characters in the current raid using the 'In' column.
2. Then, select the character who is suiciding in the 'Su' column.
3. Then, click the Suicide button.
4. The selected character will move to the position after the current raiders, while the current raiders move up in position while the non-raiders stay where they are.
Q. Why do I have to select the current raiders?
A. The need to select the current raiders may seem unecessary to those of you using the in-game mod since it tracks who is in the current raid using in-game data. Also, if you have ever used an incorrectly implemented web based SK implementation then this step may have been left out. However, this step is necessary to correctly implement SK since the raiders move around the non-raiders.
Q. What about importing our current roll list from in-game from Suicide Kings Geo?
A. At the time we wrote this we didn't have any solid examples of the Suickide Kings Geo file. We want to implement imports, so if you can send us your file at support@guildlaunch.com that would help.