How Do I Remove a Rank
Some older guilds have an 11th rank that is undeletable. We were going to automatically remove them, then found that some people were actively using them. So for now, it should just be ignored until we implement a change to make it manually deletable. The extra rank only shows in a couple of places. And you can enter "Don't use Me" as the rank name.
Buuuuut I'm having this same problem. I can't figure out how to make the GM rank 0 (it's set as 1), and I have a rank that we no longer use and it's screwing up my roster horribad because it's a middle rank. We only use 8 in-game, not the full 10. I need it goooooooone. Please help me?
If you rename the middle rank you're not using to one you are, and just go down the list like that, you will eventually have the two bottom ranks as unused and it will appear properly. Sorry for the confusion!
GL_Support wrote: |
If you rename the middle rank you're not using to one you are, and just go down the list like that, you will eventually have the two bottom ranks as unused and it will appear properly. Sorry for the confusion! |
Yeah, but then when I import won't it still apply the wrong rank to people that are in my guild's current lowest rank? And I saw you say in other threads that the GM's rank should be zero but mine is 1.
>.< When can we expect a delete feature?
I dont think the Site Devs realize yet that the site is starting with Rank 1 instead of Rank 0 like Wow does.
For anyone with rank confusion here is what you should do.
First off, don't worry about needing to delete ranks.... you wont need too. Once you stop using that rank in the game, it will carry over in the character import and the site wont show that rank any more.
Here is what you need to do.
Go to your Admin section and look in Rosters --> Ranks to list your ranks.
**Important** Ignore the Ingame Rank# column.. Its Off by one and it should be 0 - 9
Now Start renaming your Ranks starting with the Guild Leader and put them in order just like you have them in the game:
For example
InGame Guild Rank 0 > Site Rank 1 -- Guild Leader's Rank
InGame Guild Rank 1 > Site Rank 2 -- Co-Guild Leader
InGame Guild Rank 2 > Site Rank 3 -- Raid Leader
InGame Guild Rank 9 > Site Rank 10 -- Newbie Member
If you dont use all the ranks then just ignore them and leave them be.
Now Once all your ranks are set.... do a full import and sync your Characters. Sync the ingame ranks with the site during the import and your ranks will fall into place.
Also, Manage your ranks in the game. Any changes you make you should sync your site right away so your changes carry over. If you Rename a rank you'll have to change that in your rank config on the site like you did in the game. Rank names dont carry over during import... only the rank numbers assigned to characters is imported.
This should get you in order until Devs decide how we should view the Rank order for World of Warcraft in that one Column.
Last edited by Zeenaa Moonshadow on Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Perfect post! Thank you so much for breaking it down for me. I tried your method and it worked perfectly. =D
Yay! Im glad that helped you! I still have bumps on my head from all the head banging on the wall trying to figure out just what was going on with my site. lol
Happy Gaming!