Translations, Bug Fixes and Anti-Spam - Release 3/29/2014
This morning we released an update to Guild Launch with the following high level changes:
- Phase 1 of our full Translation to German, French, Spanish and Russian
- Various bug fixes for order upgrades, widgets, League of Legends leaderboard updates and more.
- Improvements to our anti-spam technology. We won't go into specifics here, but it should greatly reduce the spam.
The largest part of this release is our translation project. We've fully translated about 95% of Admin at this point, and about 60% of site content. We've translated 100% of the primary interactions on a site: Login, Registration, Default Nav, etc.
We used both crowd sourced and machine translation to accomplish this. We are not native speakers of all of these languages and while we worked to verify as many as possible translating thousands of messages into 4 languages is a huge task. If you would like to help us out, or you see a string that is incorrectly translated or you think needs a different translation then please join our translation project here:
If you see a language you would like added then please join the translation project and request the language be added here:
We currently have 15 total languages in the queue including:
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- English (UK)
- Finnish (Finland)
- Portugues (Portugal)
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Dutch
- Arabic
- Czech
- Greek
- Polish
- Swedish
When these languages reach 100% we will add them to the application.
Just a quick note to say thanks for doing this and for all the effort it required. Great idea and big advantage.
Neat! *w* This new feature is going to be quite a step to a new exciting adventure! I wish you all the best, success followed by success and joy all the way. Oh, and cookies!
P.S: Whoever feels like adding me or w/e, don't hesitate! I don't bite....hard.
~ Dayne.
This is really quite amazing to see so many guild groups already created, this site not only allows everyone to communicate better but also provides the perfect platform to start proper guild developement and maintain a level of loyalty throughout an entire guild. This was one of the main problem you see, Guilds within AQW were to easily disbandable now that isnt a problem, Thank you so much again really means a lot.
Uthane Sturmgeld wrote: |
Just a quick note to say thanks for doing this and for all the effort it required. Great idea and big advantage. John |
AQWorlds was really brought to the next level. With the features provided by Guild Launch. Making the Guild in AQWorlds isn't just for fun, but real community. This is a great opportunity for us easily spread and improve the guild development. However, some bugs in the site are still occured. I'm looking forward to your effort.
The Elucidators